Sample Report
Mobile Application Penetration Testing (Android)

Mobile Application Penetration Testing (Android)

Secure your Android app with expert testing!

The Mobile Application Penetration Testing (Android) report from Certbar Security provides a detailed examination of your Android app's security posture. This report identifies critical vulnerabilities such as login bypass, insecure local storage, and the absence of SSL pinning, offering a comprehensive overview of potential security risks. By understanding these threats, your organization can proactively address and mitigate them.

Our assessment encompasses both technical and business logic findings, following industry standards and methodologies to deliver reliable insights. This report equips your organization with actionable recommendations to enhance the security of your Android application, safeguarding user data and ensuring robust protection against cyber threats. Trust Certbar Security to help you build a secure and resilient mobile app environment.


Mobile Application Penetration Testing (Android) involves evaluating the security of your Android app by simulating attacks to identify and fix vulnerabilities.

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