Data Access Management Control

Data AccessManagement Control

Control Access, Secure Data, Ensure Compliance


Data Access Management Controls are essential for protecting sensitive information and ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to critical data. Certbar's service is designed to help organizations implement robust access controls that align with industry standards and regulatory requirements. Our approach ensures that your data remains secure, reducing the risk of breaches and enhancing compliance.

Managing Access Control in Data Privacy

Industry-Wide Challenges in Data Access

Strengthen Access, Secure Data

Access Audits

  • Gap Analysis: Identify weaknesses in current access controls.
  • Compliance Check: Ensure access controls meet regulatory requirements.
  • Remediation Planning: Develop plans to address identified gaps.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Ongoing audits to maintain access control integrity.

Policy Enforcement

  • Guideline Creation: Develop clear data access management guidelines.
  • Training: Educate employees on the importance and methods of data access management.
  • Automation: Implement automated systems to enforce policies.
  • Monitoring: Regularly review and update policies to reflect current best practices.

Certbar’s Data Access Management Process

Enforce access policies informed by insights into data sensitivity, location, and applicable regulations, ensuring precise and compliant data management.

Identify User Access

Easily identify which users and roles have access to sensitive data within the corporate data environment.

Enforce Least-Privileged Access

Use Access Control Management Framework that automatically calculate over-privileged users and roles and recommend changes to enforce a least-privileged access model.

Enforce Access Controls

Prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data based on user, role, regulation, location and more.

Monitor Access Changes

Review access changes over time and report for audit of investigation purposes.

Automatic Data Masking

Automate discovery and classification of sensitive data and orchestrate dynamic masking of data sets at scale.

Enforce Guardrails

Enforce access policies based on insights into the underlying data, such as sensitivity, location of data, applicable regulations and more.

Connect to Apps

Seamlessly integrate with existing identity access management systems to fully operationalize controls at scale.

Compliance Updates

Stay updated with the latest privacy regulations and ensure your data access control management policies are always compliant.

Education Material Section


Take informed decision of your organisation security Read Leadership Blog on Cybersecurity.

Get to know more about us in action Check our Case-studies.

Get detailed insights on industry trends Download eBooks.

Chart Your Data Seas with Confidence

Navigate the vast ocean of your data with precision. Let us be your compass. Set sail on your access control management journey.

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