Data Discovery


Gain complete visibility into your organization’s data landscape to identify, classify, and secure your data to build trust and stay compliant.


In an increasingly complex data environment, understanding what data you possess, where it is located, and how it is managed is crucial for maintaining compliance and safeguarding your organization. Certbar’s Data Discovery services provide a tailored approach to uncovering and managing all data assets, ensuring that sensitive information is identified, categorized, and secured in line with regulatory requirements.

Responsible Data Discovery

Essential Industry Coverage

Uncover Unknown Privacy Risks

Infrastructure Support

  • Cloud Integration: Seamlessly connect with platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
  • On-Premises Integration: Support for local data sources within your organization’s infrastructure.
  • Hybrid Environments: Manage data across hybrid cloud environments.

Comprehensive Data Integration

  • Third-Party Systems: Integrate with third-party platforms such as Salesforce and Microsoft Office 365.
  • Data Synchronization: Ensure data consistency across multiple systems.
  • API Support: Leverage APIs to facilitate data exchange and integration.
  • Custom Connectors: Develop custom connectors to meet specific integration needs.

Benefits of Certbar’s Data Discovery Services

Certbar Security provides a comprehensive suite of Data Discovery services that empower your organization to maintain compliance, optimize data management, and build trust with your stakeholders. Whether you’re looking to identify unknown risks, integrate new systems, or enhance your existing data practices, Certbar has the expertise and tools to help you succeed.

Single Source of Truth

Centralize all your data assets into a unified repository, ensuring that everyone in your organization is working with the same accurate and up-to-date information. This reduces discrepancies and enhances decision-making.

Stay Ahead of Regulations

Continuously monitor and adapt to evolving data privacy regulations, ensuring that your organization remains compliant with the latest standards. This proactive approach helps avoid penalties and protects your reputation.

Automate Processes

Transition from labor-intensive manual data processes to efficient, automated workflows. This not only increases productivity but also reduces the likelihood of human error, ensuring more reliable data management.

Mitigate Privacy Risk

Identify and address potential vulnerabilities and risks before they escalate into major issues. By proactively managing risks, you protect your organization from data breaches, financial losses, and compliance violations.

Reducing Costs

Lower operational costs by automating manual processes, reducing errors, and minimizing the resources needed for data management and compliance. Cost savings can be redirected toward innovation and growth.

Unified Data Repository

Bring all your data into a single, secure location, making it easier to manage, access, and analyze. This centralized repository enhances data governance and ensures consistency across the organization.

Cohesive Search & Discover

Utilize powerful search capabilities to quickly find and analyze relevant data across all systems. This feature ensures that you can locate critical information when you need it, speeding up response times.

Audit & Reporting

Generate detailed audit trails and reports to maintain transparency and accountability in your data management processes. These reports are crucial for compliance and can help identify areas for improvement.

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Get to know more about us in action Check our Case-studies.

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Case Study - Realize the Impact of Data Privacy

Our case studies demonstrate how Certbar's Data Discovery services have helped organizations like yours to achieve significant improvements in data security and regulatory compliance. See how our tailored solutions can lead to impressive returns on investment and stronger data governance.


Data Discovery is the process of identifying, cataloging, and analyzing data across an organization to gain insights, ensure compliance, and protect sensitive information.

Chart Your Data Seas with Confidence

Navigate the vast ocean of your data with precision. Let us be your compass. Set sail on your data discovery journey.

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