IoT Device Penetration Testing

IoT DevicePenetration Testing

Secures your IoT devices against potential cyber threats.


The rapid growth of IoT devices has introduced new security challenges, as these devices are often targeted by cybercriminals. IoT Device Penetration Testing involves evaluating the security of your IoT devices to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities.

Certbar Security provides specialized testing for IoT devices, using advanced tools and methodologies to uncover security weaknesses. Our experts assess your devices’ security posture, provide actionable insights, and help secure your IoT ecosystem. We tailor our testing approach to address the unique challenges of IoT environments.

Securing Your IoT Ecosystem

Essential Misuses/Impact Across Industries

Penetration Testing Test Cases for IoT Devices

Manual Testing

Manual testing of a healthcare IoT device revealed weak encryption protocols. Certbar identified the vulnerability, allowing the client to implement stronger encryption methods, thereby protecting patient data and ensuring device integrity.

Automated Testing

Automated testing detected a misconfigured IoT device in a manufacturing plant. Certbar’s report highlighted the issue, leading to a reconfiguration that secured the device and prevented potential operational disruptions.

IoT systems security plays a vital role

Compromising IoT device depending on the industry it might lead to catastrophic outcomes.

Health Care

Medical IoT devices often interface with Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems.


IoT devices in manufacturing connect with Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and SCADA systems.

Smart Offices

Smart office devices interact with office automation systems and internal network devices.


IoT systems in vehicles connect with navigation, telematics, and fleet management systems.

Our Approach 

Our team dives deep into IoT security by examining device firmware and analyzing low-level communication protocols. We use latest tools and techniques to uncover hidden vulnerabilities and ensure comprehensive security.


Testing Methodology

Understand your requirements and define the testing scope.

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Reporting Standard

Our reports follow industry standards, providing clear and actionable insights for enhancing thick client application security.

Sample Report

A sample pentesting report provides insights into the methodology of how an attacker can misuse and spy on an organization.

Coming Soon ...
IoT Checklist

Certbar's checklist provides detailed insights on the measures taken to pentest IoT systems including but not limited to firmware extraction.

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Certbar Security has its own toolkit and playbooks of various devices and tools we use in IoT penetration testing.

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Education Material Section


Take informed decision of your organisation security Read Leadership Blog on Cybersecurity.

Get to know more about us in action Check our Case-studies.

Get detailed insights on industry trends Download eBooks.


IoT Device Penetration Testing involves evaluating the security of IoT devices through simulated attacks to identify vulnerabilities.

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Why Choose Certbar Security

  • Expert Team
    • Skilled professionals with extensive experience in IoT security.
  • Thorough Testing
    • Combination of automated and manual techniques
  • Customized Solutions
    • Tailored to meet your specific security needs.
  • Detailed Reports
    • Clear, actionable recommendations for enhancing security.
  • Continuous Support
    • Ongoing assistance to maintain a strong security posture.
Certbar Security

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