Cloud Security Essentials: Avoiding AWS Misconfigurations

Lata Parmar

Lata Parmar

Oct 18, 2024

11 Min


  1. Why Misconfigurations Happen
  2. The Shared Responsibility Model
  3. Common AWS Misconfigurations and How to Fix Them
  4. 1. Amazon S3 Buckets
  5. 2. AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management)
  6. 3. Amazon EC2 Instances
  7. 4. AWS Cognito
  8. Tools and Resources for AWS Security:
  9. Conclusion
  10. References:

As organizations increasingly move their infrastructure to the cloud, AWS has become the go-to solution for businesses of all sizes. It offers powerful tools for storage, computing, and networking, enabling companies to scale seamlessly. But with this flexibility comes responsibility — and that’s where misconfigurations become a serious risk. 

Why Misconfigurations Happen

Misconfigurations often occur when users overlook security settings, enable broader access than necessary, or misunderstand the purpose of certain AWS services.  

Misconfigurations in AWS environments often arise from a combination of factors:

  • Complex Infrastructure: The wide range of services, features, and settings makes it easy for errors to occur.
  • Rapid Deployment: Teams might launch new resources without fully understanding the security implications.
  • Default Settings: Users stick with the default settings, which may allow more access than necessary.
  • Lack of Awareness: Insufficient understanding of the AWS shared responsibility model can lead to the assumption that AWS manages security fully. 

The Shared Responsibility Model

Before diving into specific misconfigurations, it’s crucial to understand the AWS Shared Responsibility Model. In AWS, security is a shared responsibility between AWS and the customer: 

  • AWS Responsibilities: AWS is responsible for securing the cloud infrastructure, which includes the physical hardware, networking, software, and storage that runs AWS services.
  • Customer Responsibilities: Customers are responsible for securing everything in the cloud. This includes configuring services correctly, managing data security, setting permissions, and ensuring compliance. 

    IaaS-Infrastructure as Service

    PaaS-Platform as Service

    SaaS-Software as Service

    User Access Identity 

    User Access Identity 

    User Access Identity 







    Operating System 

    Operating System 

    Operating System 













          Cloud Client / Customer security responsibility

           Cloud Provider security responsibility 

Common AWS Misconfigurations and How to Fix Them

Understanding these common risks is essential for organizations to safeguard their data and ensure compliance 

1. Amazon S3 Buckets

Overview: Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is a scalable object storage service designed for data backup, archival, and analytics. It allows users to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web.

Common Misconfiguration: Misconfigured S3 buckets are a frequent security concern. For instance, public access permissions can expose sensitive data. A common scenario involves using wildcard permissions, allowing users to perform actions they shouldn’t have access to. 



In the above policy, the wildcard * in the Principal field allows anyone on the internet to read objects in the my-bucket S3 bucket. Such misconfigurations can lead to data breaches, exposing sensitive information to unauthorized users. 


  • Regularly audit S3 bucket permissions using tools like AWS Config.
  • Implement bucket policies that adhere to the principle of least privilege.
  • Use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles to control access. 

2. AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management)

Overview: AWS IAM is responsible for managing access to AWS services and resources. It enables you to create and manage users, roles, and policies securely.

Common Misconfiguration: One of the most dangerous IAM misconfigurations is the use of overly permissive policies, which can allow users or roles to perform unauthorized actions.

Excessive Permissions: Roles or users are often assigned blanket permissions like s3:* or ec2:*, granting them full access to all actions for that service. This lack of restriction enables users to perform unauthorized operations, such as modifying, deleting, or viewing sensitive data, making system-wide changes, or even shutting down critical infrastructure. This broad level of access can lead to accidental misconfigurations, privilege abuse, or easier paths for attackers to exploit the environment.

Forgotten or Unused Access Keys: Over time, IAM users may accumulate access keys that are no longer needed but are still active. If these keys aren’t regularly rotated or deactivated, they become a major security risk. If an attacker gains access to one of these old keys—via phishing attacks, malware, or even human error—they can use the key to access the AWS environment, bypass security controls, and perform malicious activities such as data exfiltration, modification of sensitive resources, or unauthorized infrastructure changes.



In this policy, the wildcard (*) in both the Action and Resource fields allows the IAM entity to perform any action on any resource. This is extremely risky and can lead to privilege escalation or unauthorized data access. 


Enforce the Principle of Least Privilege: Only grant the specific permissions needed for each role or user. Instead of s3:*, limit access to necessary actions like s3:GetObject or s3:PutObject. Always define fine-grained permissions to minimize potential security risks.

Use IAM Access Analyzer: AWS’s IAM Access Analyzer helps you detect and identify overly permissive policies. This tool provides recommendations to restrict access based on the principle of least privilege.

Rotate and Remove Unused Access Keys: Regularly rotate access keys (every 90 days, for example) and immediately deactivate or delete any unused keys to reduce exposure risk. AWS IAM Credential Reports can help track which users have active keys and how long they've been in use.

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): For privileged users, enforce MFA to add an extra layer of protection. 

3. Amazon EC2 Instances

Overview: Amazon EC2 provides scalable virtual servers (instances) to run applications in the cloud. These instances are flexible and powerful, but they are only as secure as the configurations you apply to them. A common security risk involves how access is controlled to these instances via Security Groups.

What are Security Groups?

Security Groups in AWS act like virtual firewalls for your EC2 instances. They define which inbound and outbound traffic is allowed to and from your instance. Security Groups are crucial for controlling access to your EC2 instances and other AWS resources. The rules can be set based on IP ranges, protocols, and ports.

Common Misconfiguration:  

1.Open Ports in Security Groups Security groups manage inbound and outbound traffic for EC2 instances. Leaving unnecessary ports open can pose serious security risks.

  • Problem: Open ports like SSH (22), RDP (3389), or HTTP (80) may be exposed to the internet, especially if traffic is allowed from ""
  • Impact: This increases the risk of brute-force attacks and unauthorized access, potentially compromising the instance and the entire AWS environment.

2.Public IP Addresses for Private Instances Instances that don’t need public internet access are sometimes mistakenly assigned public IP addresses.

  • Problem: EC2 instances intended for internal use (like databases) become accessible over the internet.
  • Impact: Attackers can attempt unauthorized connections, especially if security settings are weak, leading to potential data breaches.

3.Outdated or Insecure AMIs Using outdated Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) can expose instances to known vulnerabilities.

  • Problem: Organizations may rely on old AMIs without applying necessary patches or updates.
  • Impact: Outdated AMIs can be exploited by attackers, resulting in remote access or data theft.

4.Weak Authentication for SSH or RDP Access to EC2 instances often occurs via SSH or RDP, and weak authentication methods can be exploited.

  • Problem: Organizations frequently allow password-based authentication, making instances vulnerable to brute-force attacks. Not using multi-factor authentication (MFA) further exacerbates this risk.
  • Impact: Successful credential brute-forcing grants attackers direct access to the instance, leading to potential data theft and further network attacks. 



Change "CidrIp": "" to a specific IP range, such as "CidrIp": " (example)", to restrict access to your office’s IP or a specific VPN range. This approach enhances security by limiting who can connect to your EC2 instance, thus reducing the risk of unauthorized access. 


Use More Restrictive CIDR Blocks in Security Groups:

  • Only allow SSH or RDP access from known IP ranges (e.g., your corporate network or VPN).

Rotate SSH Keys Regularly:

  • Ensure that SSH keys are rotated frequently, and don’t allow permanent access. Delete unused keys to minimize the risk of old, forgotten credentials being exploited.

Implement AWS Systems Manager:

  • For better security, use AWS Systems Manager instead of opening direct SSH/RDP access. This reduces the need for open ports altogether.

Monitor Access with AWS CloudTrail:

  • Enable CloudTrail to log all API activity for your EC2 instances, Security Groups, and other resources, giving you visibility into who accessed what and when. 

4. AWS Cognito

Overview :AWS Cognito is a service that enables you to add user sign-up, sign-in, and access control to your web and mobile applications easily. It supports both authentication (verifying user identities) and authorization (controlling what resources users can access).

Cognito provides two main features:

Cognito User Pools: A managed user directory that allows you to create and manage users, handle user authentication, and implement advanced security features like multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Cognito Identity Pools: Provides temporary AWS credentials to allow users to access AWS resources such as S3 or DynamoDB. It supports both authenticated and unauthenticated (guest) access.

Cognito also supports identity federation, allowing users to sign in with external identity providers like Google, Facebook, Apple, or enterprise systems using SAML. 

Misconfiguration :

Misconfigurations in AWS Cognito can introduce security vulnerabilities that compromise user data and access control. Below are the most common misconfigurations:

1.Weak Password Policies

  • Allowing users to create weak passwords without enforcing minimum password length or complexity increases the risk of account compromise through brute-force or credential stuffing attacks.

2.Overly Broad Permissions for Identity Pool Users

  • Authenticated users are often assigned excessive permissions, violating the principle of least privilege, and allowing them to access more AWS resources than necessary.

3.Unverified User Access

  • Granting access to users before verifying their email or phone number can lead to unauthorized users accessing sensitive resources. 


Enforce Strong Password Policies: Set strict password requirements (length, complexity) to reduce the risk of weak passwords.

Follow the Principle of Least Privilege: Ensure that Identity Pool users are only granted the minimum necessary permissions to perform their tasks.

Require User Verification: Enforce email or phone verification to confirm the identity of users before granting access to sensitive resources.

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Require MFA for all users, especially for sensitive or administrative accounts, to provide additional security.

Set Reasonable Token Expiration: Configure token expiration times to minimize the risk of long-lived tokens being misused. 

Tools and Resources for AWS Security:

To detect and prevent misconfigurations in AWS environments, several key tools are essential. AWS Config monitors resource configurations for issues like public S3 buckets and insecure IAM roles, while AWS Inspector scans EC2 instances for vulnerabilities. AWS Trusted Advisor provides real-time security recommendations, and AWS Security Hub centralizes findings from services like GuardDuty for a comprehensive security overview.

Third-party tools such as Prisma Cloud offer real-time monitoring, and Pacu helps simulate attacks to identify vulnerabilities. Dome9 automates security policy enforcement.

For automated detection and remediation, AWS Lambda can fix misconfigurations like public S3 permissions, while AWS CloudWatch triggers alarms for unusual access patterns. AWS Config Rules allow for custom rules that can automatically correct issues, enhancing overall security.


Misconfigurations in AWS pose significant security risks, exposing sensitive data and enabling unauthorized access. Common issues, such as misconfigured S3 buckets and overly permissive IAM policies, often arise from a lack of awareness or rushed deployments. To mitigate these vulnerabilities, understand the AWS shared responsibility model and implement best practices like the principle of least privilege, regular audits, and stricter access controls. While AWS provides robust security tools, the responsibility for proper configuration rests with you. Stay proactive, automate security checks, and prioritize the security of your cloud environment. 

Lata Parmar
Lata ParmarSecurity Analyst

Lata Parmar, Certbar Security’s dedicated Pentester, specializes in web app penetration testing. Gujarat Technical University graduate, blending academic excellence with practical cybersecurity expertise.


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