TheHive: Efficient Incident Management with Wazuh Integration

Mulayam Yadav

Mulayam Yadav

Aug 27, 2024

8 Min


  1. Introduction
  2. Top Benefits of Using TheHive
  3. Hardware Requirements
  4. Operating System
  5. Installation Guide
  6. Setting Up TheHive: A Step-by-Step Guide
  7. Integrating Wazuh with TheHive
  8. conclusion
  9. References


TheHive is a flexible and all-in-one Security Incident Response Platform designed for SOCs, CSIRTs, CERTs, and security professionals who need to quickly and effectively manage security incidents. With a wide range of tools, TheHive simplifies incident response workflows, improves collaboration, and helps security teams investigate and address threats efficiently. It integrates smoothly with WAZUH, offering advanced features for task management, evidence handling, and threat intelligence, making it a vital resource for modern security teams.

TheHive's user-friendly design and adaptable architecture make it easy to customize and scale for any organization. Its powerful automation features reduce manual work, allowing teams to focus on critical analysis and response tasks. The platform also offers detailed reporting and analytics, providing insights into incident trends and response effectiveness, helping organizations continuously improve their security. By using TheHive, security teams can greatly enhance their incident response efficiency and effectiveness.

Top Benefits of Using TheHive

  • Integration with Wazuh: TheHive seamlessly integrates with Wazuh, an open-source security monitoring solution, to enhance threat detection and incident response capabilities. This integration allows for the automatic ingestion of alerts and security events from Wazuh, enabling analysts to correlate and investigate incidents more efficiently.
  • Integration with MISP: TheHive is tightly integrated with the Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP), enabling seamless collaboration and information sharing.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: The platform supports real-time collaboration, allowing multiple analysts to work simultaneously with live stream updates on cases, tasks, observables, and Indicators of Compromise (IOCs).
  • Efficient Task Management: TheHive facilitates efficient task handling and assignment through special notifications. Analysts can preview and import tasks from various sources, such as email reports, Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) providers, and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems.
  • Customizable Templates: Users can create cases and tasks using a flexible template engine. This feature allows for customization with metrics and custom fields, driving team activity and identifying areas for automation.
  • Evidence Management: Analysts can securely record progress, attach evidence or files, add tags, and import password-protected ZIP archives containing suspicious data.
  • Observables Management: The platform allows for the easy addition and management of observables, both individually and in bulk. Analysts can import observables directly from MISP events or alerts, and utilize triaging and filtering capabilities to streamline the process.
  • Threat Intelligence Integration: TheHive integrates with Cortex and its analyzers and responders to gain insights, accelerate investigations, and contain threats. Analysts can leverage tags, flag IOCs, and identify previously seen observables to enrich threat intelligence.

Hardware Requirements

The hardware requirements for TheHive depend on factors such as the number of concurrent users and their usage patterns.

Number Of UsersCPURAM
1-102 Core2 GB
10-202-4 core 4 GB
20-504-6 core8 GB

Operating System

TheHive has been tested and is officially supported on the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS & 22.04 LTS
  • Debian 11
  • RHEL 8

Installation Guide

To install TheHive, you need Docker and Docker Compose to orchestrate the necessary services.

Step 1: To install Docker on your system

  • Update the Package List

    sudo apt update
  • Install Required Packages

    sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
  • Add Docker’s Official GPG Key

    curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
  • Set Up the Docker Repository

    sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64]$(lsb_release -cs) stable"
  • Install Docker

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install docker-ce
  • Verify Docker Installation

    sudo docker –version

Step 2: To install Docker Compose

  • Download Docker Compose

    sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  • Apply Executable Permissions

    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  • Verify the Installation

    docker-compose –version

Step 3: Prepare Docker Compose File

  • Create a Directory

    mkdir thehive-docker
    cd thehive-docker
  • Create a file named `docker-compose.yml` in the directory and add the following content:

    version: "3"
        image: strangebee/thehive:5.2
          - cassandra
          - elasticsearch
          - minio
          - cortex
        mem_limit: 1500m
          - "9000:9000"
          - JVM_OPTS="-Xms1024M -Xmx1024M"
          - --secret
          - "mySecretForTheHive"
          - "--cql-hostnames"
          - "cassandra"
          - "--index-backend"
          - "elasticsearch"
          - "--es-hostnames"
          - "elasticsearch"
          - "--s3-endpoint"
          - "http://minio:9000"
          - "--s3-access-key"
          - "minioadmin"
          - "--s3-secret-key"
          - "minioadmin"
          - "--s3-bucket"
          - "thehive"
          - "--s3-use-path-access-style"
          - "--cortex-hostnames"
          - "cortex"
          - "--cortex-keys"
          # put cortex api key once cortex is bootstraped
          - "<cortex_api_key>"
        image: 'cassandra:4'
        mem_limit: 1600m
          - "9042:9042"
          - MAX_HEAP_SIZE=1024M
          - HEAP_NEWSIZE=1024M
          - cassandradata:/var/lib/cassandra
        restart: on-failure
        mem_limit: 1500m
          - "9200:9200"
          - discovery.type=single-node
          - elasticsearchdata:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
        mem_limit: 512m
        command: ["minio", "server", "/data", "--console-address", ":9090"]
          - MINIO_ROOT_USER=minioadmin
          - MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=minioadmin
          - "9090:9090"
          - "miniodata:/data"
        image: thehiveproject/cortex:3.1.7
          - elasticsearch
          - job_directory=/tmp/cortex-jobs
          - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
          - /tmp/cortex-jobs:/tmp/cortex-jobs
          - "9001:9001"

  Step 3: Run Docker Compose

  • Run the following command in the directory containing your `docker-compose.yml` file:

    docker-compose up -d
  • Verify the Containers Are Running

    docker-compose ps

Step 4: Access TheHive Web Interface 

  • Once the containers are up and running, access TheHive web interface by navigating to http://localhost:9000 in your web browser.

    Username: [email protected]
    Password: secret


Setting Up TheHive: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • First, we need to create an organization in TheHive. To do this, click on this icon.


  • Enter Organization Name: In the "Name" field, provide a unique name for the organization.
  • Provide a Description: Use the "Description" field to add any relevant details about the organization.
  • Set Task Sharing Rule: Choose a task-sharing rule from the dropdown menu. By default, it is set to "manual."
  • Set Observable Sharing Rule: Choose an observable-sharing rule from the dropdown menu. This is also set to "manual" by default.
  • Confirm and Save: After filling in all details, click the "Confirm" button to save the organization. If you wish to cancel, click the "Cancel" button instead.


  • Now, we are going to add a user to the organization we have created by clicking on this icon.


  • Select User Type: Choose the user type from the dropdown menu (e.g., "Normal" or "Service User").
  • Enter Login Details: Fill in the "Login" field with the username for the new user.
  • Enter Name: Provide the full name of the user in the "Name" field.
  • Select Organization: Choose the organization to which the user will belong by selecting the appropriate organization from the list (e.g., "Test").
  • Confirm: Once all fields are filled out, click on the "Confirm" button to add the user.
  • Now you can view the user you created. Click the preview button to add the password and generate the API key.


  • Enter Email: Fill in the “Email” field with the user’s email address (e.g., [email protected]).
  • Generate API Key: Click on the “Create” button next to the “API Key” section. Once generated, securely save the API key, as it might be revealed only once.
  • Set Password: Click on the “Set a new password” link and enter a secure password following any specified guidelines (e.g., length, special characters).
  • Confirm: After filling out all the necessary fields, click on the “Confirm” button to save the changes.


  • Now log out from the admin account and log in with the user account you created.

Integrating Wazuh with TheHive

Step 1: To configure the Wazuh manager for integration with TheHive, follow these:

  • First, install the TheHive Python module

    sudo /var/ossec/framework/python/bin/pip3 install thehive4py==1.8.1
  • Create a custom integration script by pasting the following Python code into /var/ossec/integrations/ 


DIR_NAME="$(cd $(dirname ${SCRIPT_PATH_NAME}); pwd -P)"

case ${DIR_NAME} in
*/active-response/bin | */wodles*)
if [ -z "${WAZUH_PATH}" ]; then
WAZUH_PATH="$(cd ${DIR_NAME}/../..; pwd)"

if [ -z "${WAZUH_PATH}" ]; then
WAZUH_PATH="$(cd ${DIR_NAME}/..; pwd)"

if [ -z "${WAZUH_PATH}" ]; then
WAZUH_PATH="$(cd ${DIR_NAME}/..; pwd)"


  • We change the files’ permission and the ownership to ensure that Wazuh has adequate permissions to access and run them:
sudo chmod 755 /var/ossec/integrations/
sudo chmod 755 /var/ossec/integrations/custom-w2thive
sudo chown root:wazuh /var/ossec/integrations/
sudo chown root:wazuh /var/ossec/integrations/custom-w2thive
  • To enable Wazuh to run the integration script, add the following lines to the manager configuration file located at /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf. Insert the IP address of the TheHive server and the API key that was generated earlier:
  • Restart the manager to apply the changes:
sudo systemctl restart wazuh-manager
  • Now, log in to TheHive using the user ID and password you created earlier. Click on the designated icon, and you should see alerts coming in from Wazuh.



TheHive is an essential tool for modern security teams, offering a comprehensive platform for incident response management. With its robust integration capabilities, including seamless connections with MISP and Wazuh, TheHive enhances collaboration, task management, and threat intelligence integration. The platform’s user-friendly interface, flexible architecture, and powerful automation features help organizations of all sizes streamline their incident response processes. By utilizing TheHive, security teams can improve efficiency, reduce manual workloads, and gain valuable insights into security trends, ultimately strengthening their overall security posture.

Mulayam Yadav
Mulayam YadavSOC Analyst L3

SOC Analyst with expertise in incident monitoring, Configuration wazuh-server. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU).


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